5 Tricks to Help You Eat Less Calories

We all know that emotions can drive our eating habits. Stress, boredom and anxiety are my triggers. I’ve been guilty of snacking on things when I’m not really hungry. I call it mindless eating.Here are 5 psychology trick that I have found helpful for breaking bad habits.

Trick #1: Don’t Go on a Diet

Have you ever tried a fad diet only to lose weight then put it right back on. Instead of suggesting a diets, I suggest small, attainable lifestyle changes. You’ll want to start out slowly and only make one change at a time. You will be much more successful in changing your eating habits and they will last for the long term.

My First Lifestyle Change:

I used to buy a cookie from the work cafeteria and eat it after my lunch. I did this every day (M-F). The added calories were not helping my waistline. So, I started to bring an apple to work and would eat it after my lunch instead. Over time, I started to forget about the cookie. This was the only change I made to my eating habits because it was important for me to focus on one attainable change and ensure I could make it a habit. Guess what? I don’t even eat the apple anymore. I just eat my lunch and I’m satisfied. So at first, I saved about 100 calories per day and now I’m saving about 160 calories.

Trick #2: Eat Mindfully

Have you ever inhaled your food because you were so hungry and thought you were going to starve to death. I have! First of all, why did you let yourself get so hungry? Well, that’s another topic all together. Eating slowly will allow your brain to catch up with your stomach. Small bite, chew, swallow. Take your time. Be mindful of what you are eating. Envision where the food came from. Put your fork down for a moment and savor your food.

Trick #3: Take a breather half way through

Eat half of your meal and take a little break. Wait 10-15 minutes and ask yourself if you really want to eat the rest. You can always pack up the rest and you’ll have some convenient left overs.

Trick #4: Do you really want that snack?

I’m craving a snack! I must have a snack! I want ice cream, a block of cheese, a burrito! Whoa…slow down! If your mind is dead set on snacking, tell yourself to drink 16 oz of water first, wait 15 minutes, then assess if you still need the snack. You may forget that you even wanted a snack in the first place. If you still want it, go for it. The water will have filled you up a bit so you might not eat as much.

Trick #5: Have a salad, soup or a drink first

Having a small salad, soup or low calorie drink (water with lemon, cucumber and mint sprig sounds good!) before eating can reduce the number of calories we ultimately consume.

We may consume more calories than we really need due to stress, boredom and anxiety. Be mindful, be patient, give your brain time to catch up with your stomach. All these tricks can help us to reduce our calorie intake with psychology.