About me

Hello and welcome to Little Garden Girl. I’m so glad that you have come to visit. A little bit about me…I am a novice gardener, a true foodie and I love to cook. I grew up in the pacific northwest and was spoiled by living in the country with great weather for gardening. My mom had a 1/4 acre garden consisting of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, potatoes, zucchini, cucumber, you name it! I would spend hours just snacking on fresh produce in my mom’s garden. Many times the produce didn’t even make it in the house. It was a great place to grow up.

In my mid-twenties, I ventured off to continue my education in the southwest. At first, I wondered how anybody in their right mind would move to the desert. After time, I grew to love it and ended up living here! Gardening in the desert is a very different experience. It has been a huge learning curve for me but I have grow to adapt over time and with a little experimentation. If you are new to gardening, don’t be afraid to throw some seeds around and see what might pop us when you least expect it.